Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The School Room is DONE - and just in the nick of time!

Well, it took Justin and I until 3am this morning, but sure enough, we got the school room done in time to begin Hunter's first grade year this morning! We had a great day, and I can't wait to get back to it tomorrow! (When we were done, Hunter actually said "awww, can't we do more??" - so I let him use my label maker while we put some binders together :o)
Anyway, how about some school room pics??
In order for you to get the full effect of how far we've come in 3 months, I'll share some before pics:

Here we are looking into what is now the school room, this is what it looked like when we moved in over Memorial Day.


Inside the school room looking out into the living room. We built a closet that now conceals the water heater and stashes all of our school goodies.


Here is Justin framing one of the 9,000 soffits in the school room, thanks to the builder leaving pipes in inconvenient places.


My Dad and Justin framing the wall that now holds our whiteboards. (We had to frame all four walls in this room)

And now for the After photos!!

Here we are in the living room looking into the school room. (we dropped everything in the living room to focus on the school room, which is why the stairs are still bare and the doors lack casing. Don't worry, after a small break, we'll get on that :o)



Ahhhh, just like I dreamt it!!!

Here you can see the closet over to the left.



Hunter's desk: a thrift store find that I stripped and painted black, then I painted the top with dry erase paint, so his whole desktop is one big dry erase board!


Goodies waiting for Hunter at his desk this morning included a brand new, big kid Bible, a Berenstain Bears book, and a Toy Story lunch box with new dry erase markers, Chicago sports teams pencils, bookmarks, and some silly-bands :o)

We added a little bit of Hunter's personality/passion to the desk drawers


I used this adorable antique canning jar for pencils. I secured the jar to the desk using 3m picture hanging strips.


Morgan's nook :o) I made the magnet board out of an antique frame and some flashing

This is the shelf above my desk; a little homage to Laura Ingalls Wilder and my love for the one room schoolhouse concept


I LOVE this antique tea table, and it just happened to work perfectly in the room as a printer stand!


Well, there it is! There is still a lot of wall space to fill, but I was not at all interested in cluttering up the walls straight out of the gate. We'll be doing rain gutter bookshelves again, and hanging various projects from throughout the year. For now though, I love how simple, clean, and calm this space is! The rest of my house is still a disaster, since we spend every spare minute on the basement. However, now we have this space to greet us every morning, and I am feeling so blessed :o)


  1. WOW! You guys have been so busy, I can't wait to see it in person! It looks fantastic, what a great environment for learning.

  2. Awesome!!!! What a beautiful job! Worth the wait. ;)

  3. All that hard work has paid off in a beautiful room bound to be filled with memories! It love the personal touches you added and the colors of the wood pairing with that blue...wow.
