Friday, August 12, 2011

Hitting the Road (Is that even legal ?!?!)

While most people seem to have kicked off their 'official' school year already, we are delayed a little bit :o) Our school room is a few weeks shy of being completed, but that is not the only reason we are pushing things to September. On Saturday, the kids and I (and my Dad, who is so wonderfully caring and generous - he is flying out to Georgia tonight so that he can drive with me!) are heading up to Chicago for the second time this summer. However, Chicago is not our final destination! We will spend one day in Chicago with my parents, and then my mom and the kids and I will drive up to North Dakota! (Yes, I'm crazy. I'm okay with it.)
While on the road, I have some things for Hunter to do, most of them revolving around geography. We have a map on which he will trace our route through all the different states, and each time we hit a new state, he will read some information on that state and tell the rest of the passengers in the car.
I am very much looking forward to spending this time with my son. I am grateful for the quality time he will spend with his grandparents and great-grandparents, learning lessons and experiencing things he would have to miss out on if he were not home schooled. I try not to dog on the public schools (heck, I'm a public school teacher by trade), but it makes me a little bit ill to think of my son sitting at a desk from 8am to 3pm every day, while so much life is happening outside those walls! Because Hunter isn't sick, I would not legally be able to take him out of school for the two week period he would miss. But because we've been blessed and called to home school, we have a very special freedom that I am pleased as punch to take full advantage of in the next two weeks!
Here's to time with family, time with our elders, time to explore this beautiful country God has blessed us with, and the time and freedom to grow outside of cinder blocks and in the fullness of the life we've been given!
Stay Tuned!

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