Friday, October 7, 2011

Pyramids, Treasures, and Mummies, OH MY!

To wrap up our week on mummies and pyramids (no pun intended haha), Hunter experienced an archaeological dig right in our dining room :o) I found this Dig and Play Egyptian Tomb kit on Amazon, and was saving it for the perfect time - Friday was that time!


I hid the box, and just presented Hunter with the plaster brick and digging tools. We talked about archaeologists, and what it might be like to find a Pharaoh's treasure!


This was the first glimpse of treasure:


Hunter's face was so cute, because he didn't have a clue about what he was expecting to find!



Brushing away the dust!



All kinds of treasures!


And of course, a mummy! (Hunter was VERY excited about this!)


How awesome is Hunter's surprised/excited face?? I love that I get to experience moments like this, in the middle of a Friday afternoon :o)


1 comment:

  1. I remember loving the studies in ancient Egyptian civilization, but it was never as cool as this.
