Friday, October 23, 2009

Spelling 4-Letter Words

It has been too long since my last blog post! We have been keeping up with 'school at home' as Hunter calls it, but during the month of October, we scaled down the big projects. So for now, Hunter is still working on printing - he did 'T t', 'U u', 'V v', and 'W w' this week, with 'X x', 'Y y', and 'Z z' coming next week.
Hunter is also working on spelling. We have been working with this magnet set from Lakeshore at the beginning of the year -
Hunter was doing so well using the magnet letters, I decided to increase the challenge...

That's all for now!


  1. Vance was really interested in watching Hunter write. Maybe that will finally get him to want to work on his letters now! We watched this video 3 times, and he is signing and asking for more!

  2. What a smartie-pants! I love it! Good job, Hunter! You do a fantastic job sounding out your letters and words and your writing is awesome!

    Nice job mom. Keep up the great work. He is truly benefiting from it.
