Monday, August 3, 2009

Pre K - Day 1

Today was our first day of the 'trial-run' school year. I decided to use Hunter's pre-k year as an opportunity to prepare/experiment for home school kindergarten which will happen next year. I definitely think it is safe to call this day a total success! Hunter woke up this morning and ran into our room saying "is it time to do school at home????"

We started our day at 8:45 with calendar and a Bible verse. At 9:00, we started on Language Arts. First, Hunter did a few worksheets that had him identifying objects that start with a short 'A' (think A as in apple). After that, he spent a little bit of time practicing printing upper and lowercase A. In addition to light phonics, we are working through a sight words book - today's words were 'A' and 'And'.

After all that, Hunter was eager to discover what was next. We moved on to math - today's work involved finding objects that were the same. This ended up being way to easy of a concept for Hunter, but he enjoyed the workbooks, so it worked out just fine.

Note Hunter's name at the top of the page - all him!

This worksheet was supposed to be a bit more challenging. Each row had 3 abstract objects, and Hunter had to circle the two that were the same - he ripped through the whole thing in about two minutes - we won't be spending too much extra time on 'same' and 'different'!!

After the worksheets Hunter took this big pile of bear manipulatives and separated them into the correct color cups. I found it fascinating to watch him do this, because where I would have picked up the bears in no particular order and sorted them, he chose to sort each color individually - he picked out all of the green bears first, then the yellow bears, etc. ...

After math we took a 30 minute break so that I could take care of some chores, and Hunter could stretch his legs for a while. After about 10 minutes, Hunter was begging to get back to school!
Science came next. Today's topic was 'Animals have different kinds of bodies'. We read about insects, spiders, and birds, (fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals to come...) After reading, Hunter glued some pictures of these animals to card stock and I cut them out. He then placed each picture in a hanging pocket chart that we will add on to as the week continues.

So that was day 1! We were done with all of this in about 2 hours (including the half-hour break) leaving plenty of time to play outside before lunch. After his nap, Hunter woke up and said 'can we do school again???'. All in all, I was thrilled with the way things went - I am looking forward to learning more and more about what works and what doesn't in the weeks ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Mom! You are doing a great job and obviously Hunter agrees. Nice to hear he is enjoying it so much, hopefully it can always be that way.
